Carol Shaw
DPS Alumna & DPSF Board Member
As a DPS alumna, Carol Shaw recounts that her parents came to Dayton because her uncle worked for NCR and her father was able to obtain a job there. She says that Dayton attracts people with its schools and companies, but many stay because there is “a spirit of caring in Ohio and in Dayton especially.” Shaw enjoyed a 40-year career at the University of Dayton, which she states is a place of educational innovation.
Shaw claims that the DPSF is extremely important because “public schools are the foundation of our country, and we should give whatever help we can.” She says she has been impressed with the dedication and caring of the DPSF board members who give of their time and resources, especially in this time of Covid when teachers and students are under a lot of stress.
Shaw was especially pleased with all the work the DPSF did to provide music grants to augment that area of school funding. She says more grants are needed in science, critical thinking, and math to better prepare students to choose those careers: “Dayton in its early days was a hot bed of engineering talent, and we need to return to those roots. The DPSF can help with teacher grants in those areas.”