Teacher Grants Awarded
Weather Equipment
The second semester (we're on a block schedule, so it would be second quarter), started with students in a real slump. Everyone's grades were dropping and they were yawning through activities. Then we went outside to use some of weather equipment a DPS grant made possible and students came alive. Saying the temperature in Spanish is much more exciting than doing a worksheet on numbers. Checking a rain gauge and reporting the weather in Spanish is a lot different than taking a test. Even our verbs got a lift as we practiced conjugations of the verbs to describe our various activities. Thank you!
-Vilo Westood

Online Magazines
I received a grant for a year's subscription to Kids Discover Online, a digital version the Kids Discover magazine. Even though I find it a valuable resource for assigning research topics and assessing my student's work in class, I see the real value for the students when I see them choosing topics that interest them. It is rewarding to see them so engaged with reading informational text, an area of difficulty for our students.
- Mary Espinosa
Reading Curriculum
- Lynda Hawkins

The Dayton Public Schools Foundation Teacher Grant recipients for School Year 2024-25 are as follows:
Marie Baker $500 Kiser Elementary, ESL
Innovate ESL: Transforming Elementary Language Learning through iPads ESL students will be exposed to language acquisition only offered by Apple.
Amber Bell $500 Roosevelt Elem., gds. 2 – 3
Play, Learn, Grow: Educational Games Game-based activities will help students retain content and remain engaged in their learning.
Karl Carpenter $500 ISRP, grades 1, 2, 3
Hands On Aquarium Experience Students in a Montessori class will travel to Newport Aquarium to experience aquatic animals and our effects on them.
Joanne Casale $500 Ponitz CTC, gds. 10, 11, 12
Student Council Outdoor Fun! The entire school community will enjoy purchased equipment in a block party to build a new culture and drive a Positive School Climate.
Emily Coleman $500 Louise Troy Elem., gd. 1
Multi-sensory Literacy Resources Students will use the materials through a multisensory approach to learn phonics and phonological awareness skills.
Jo Cooley-love $200 Edwin Joel Middle, gd. 7 - 8
Mural at Edgemont Solar Garden Students will create an original design for a mural on the side of a shipping container at Edgemont Garden while working with a local artist to make their vision a reality.
Erin Dawes $500 ISRP, gd. 2, ELL
Phonological Awareness and the Science of Reading These visual aids will help students recognize letter sounds and increase their vocabulary, especially ELL students.
Kristen DeVault $500 Kiser Elementary, ESL, gds. 2 – 3
Teaching of the Trolls at Aullwood Students will visit Aullwood Nature Center learning about birds, watersheds, and recycling.
Amy Dunaway $500 Kiser Elementary, gd. 4
Crochet Club Students will practice basic crochet stitches to complete projects like scarves and mittens in their afterschool club.
Elizabeth A. Friedlander $200 Roosevelt Elem., K-3, MH/AU
Using Manipulatives to Increase Comprehension in Spelling & Reading Student with moderate and severe disabilities and of varying verbal ability levels will use these materials to spell.
Janice Gomez $500 ISRP, Gds. 4- 10
Reading with SLIFE Basic readers will enable Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education to increase reading exposure at their low level.
Ryan Griffin $500 Stivers, gds. 7 – 12
Ohio State Music Celebration Youth Concert 100 band students will attend the concert, exposing them to music at the collegiate level.
Lauren Gruber $500 Wright Bros. Middle, gds. 7 – 8
Embroidery Supplies & Sewing Organization With these materials, students will plan, draw, and embroider their choice of image, then sew it into a pillow.
James Hogan $500 Stivers, gds. 7 – 12
Orchestra Bows Higher quality bows will be used for community concerts resulting in higher participation and community engagement.
Stephanie Leonhardt $500 ISRP, pre-K, Kdg.
Cooking with Kids Students will serve food, measure and estimate it, and learn about world culture through food.
Brittany LePage $500 Kiser Elem, gd. 2
Fun & Functional Seating Solutions Flexible seating arrangements will increase positive behavior and provide workspaces tailored to students’ needs.
Patricia Lewis $500 Roosevelt Elementary, gd. 2
Honeybee Hydroponics Students will practice gardening and use their journals to keep track of the plant growth.
Ashley Mann $500 Louise Troy Elementary, Kdg.
Multisensory Resources Materials purchased will give the students multisensory opportunities for phonological awareness and phonics.
Lawyanna Marshall $500 Meadowdale CTC, gds. 9 – 12
Career Stories Podcast Using high quality audio equipment, students will record conversations with people whose career paths they might want to pursue some day.
Bisi Morton $500 Louise Troy & Westwood Elems., K-6
Art Teacher Students will benefit from lessons provided by an online platform filled with lessons for art educators.
Kevin O’Donnell $500 Meadowdale CTC, gds. 11 & 12
Music Lessons for Meadowdale Students will be provided instrumental lessons from professional music instructors.
Michelle Pund $400 Eastmont, gd. 2
Scholastic News Magazines Students will enhance their literacy skills, promote critical thinking, and broaden their understanding of the world’s events.
Grace Rudolph $500 ISRP, gd. 1
Manipulatives for Letter & Word Recognition This equipment will provide lesson plans and visiual objects, enabling English learners to understand phonics.
Brandi Seminsky $200 Horace Mann Elementary, K – 6
QBall for Engagement For Reluctant Speakers English learners will use a throwable speaker and microphone to participate in speaking and listening activities while projecting their voice.
Kasey Shideler $400 Roosevelt Elementary, Kdg.
STEM: Cooperative Learning, Problem Solving & Coding Students will create and use robots as they learn team building and coding skills.
Rebecca Stroh $500 Ruskin Elementary, gd. 3
Building Community One Story at a Time Students will read two novels discussing plot development, character development, and theme.
Carol Styche $500 ISRP, gds. 4 – 6
Independent Small Groups ELL students will use tiles and workbooks that will differentiate learning in small groups and learning stations.
Sarah Swint $500 Ponitz CTC, gds. 10, 11
Taking Center Stage The drama club will secure materials, equipment and necessary storage which will allow them to take on additional performances.
Angela Taylor $500 Mound Street Academy, gds. 9 – 12
CPS Training Students will receive CPR/AED training using an advanced mannequin.
Susan Trissell $500 Westwood Elementary, gds. K – 4
Westwood INDOOR Garden Students will use a hydroponic growing system to grow vegetables indoors.
Laryssa Van Hoose $250 Roosevelt Elementary, Kdg.
Interactive Notebooks and Technology Supplies Students will use notebooks and headphones to learn skills using computer programs.
Donna Weiss $300 Fairview Elementary, K – 6, EL
Our Best Selves Using poster boards and other presentation materials, students will complete a written and creative portion of a presentation to other students and parents.
Tracy Wilson $500 Kemp Elementary, gds. 4, 5, 6
Reading Buddies Students from grades 4-6 on IEP’s will boost their self-esteem by reading to Kindergarteners and embellishing with puppets.
Dawn Yaden $500 Charity Earley Elementary, gd. 5 math
Math Center Manipulatives Students will be able to manipulate materials at math centers to better understand math concepts being taught.